The principles of the 4 agreements have influenced many readers over the years, thanks to the book authored by Don Miguel Ruiz. The four agreements are essentially a guide to leading a life filled with happiness, peace, and contentment. One of the agreements, always do your best, is probably the most challenging to follow since it requires you to commit wholeheartedly to every task you undertake. In this article, we will explore how we can all apply this principle in our daily lives.

The first step in applying the agreement is to recognize that “your best” varies from day to day and moment to moment. Some days you may feel more energetic and upbeat, and your best will reflect that. However, on other days, when you`re feeling down or unwell, your best may differ. It`s essential to understand that your best is relative to your current situation.

The next action is to put forth effort towards your entire life, including your professional and personal endeavors. When you put in maximum effort, you will experience a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction, regardless of the results. This is because you have given it your all, and that is all that matters.

It`s also vital to realize that your best is subjective. The idea of `perfection` is unattainable and puts enormous pressure on an individual. Perfection is subjective, and what one person perceives as perfect may differ from another. Instead, try to focus on doing your best with the knowledge and abilities you possess to achieve your goals.

Another critical component of always doing your best is maintaining a positive mindset. A negative outlook can hinder your performance, making it difficult to give your all. Staying optimistic, even when things don`t go as planned, is essential to powering through tough circumstances.

Lastly, remember that the concept of always doing your best is not about competing with others. It`s about competing with yourself. You`re your only competition. It doesn`t matter what others are doing or achieving. The only thing that matters is whether you`re giving your best effort.

To conclude, the 4 agreements, particularly the agreement to always do your best, can help us lead a life filled with satisfaction, joy, and progress. Remember, what constitutes your best is relative to your current situation, so don`t aim for perfection. Instead, focus on giving your best with positivity and the right mindset every day. By doing so, you`ll reach your full potential and experience true contentment.