Ryerson CUPE 233 Collective Agreement: What You Need to Know

The Ryerson CUPE 233 collective agreement is an important document that outlines the terms and conditions of employment for workers at Ryerson University. As a member of the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE), Ryerson University support staff are protected under this agreement, which covers everything from compensation and benefits to job security and workplace safety.

Here are some key things to know about the Ryerson CUPE 233 collective agreement:

Compensation and Benefits: The collective agreement sets out the minimum salaries and benefits that support staff are entitled to. This includes regular wage increases, extended health and dental coverage, and pension plans. The agreement also ensures that employees receive overtime pay for work beyond their regular hours, as well as vacation and sick leave.

Job Security: The collective agreement includes provisions to protect job security of support staff. For example, if Ryerson University is planning layoffs or job terminations, the union must be notified in writing and given the opportunity to negotiate alternatives or mitigation measures. Employees who are laid off may also be eligible for recall rights or severance pay.

Workplace Safety: The collective agreement includes provisions to ensure that all workers have a safe and healthy workplace. CUPE 233 members are entitled to training on health and safety issues, as well as the right to refuse unsafe work. The university is also required to provide appropriate safety equipment and protective gear where necessary.

Grievance Procedure: If an employee feels that their rights under the collective agreement have been violated, they have access to a grievance procedure outlined in the agreement. This procedure provides a way for employees to resolve disputes with the university, either through mediation or arbitration.

Overall, the Ryerson CUPE 233 collective agreement is an important tool for ensuring fair treatment and working conditions for support staff at Ryerson University. By providing clear guidelines and protections, the agreement helps maintain a positive and productive work environment for all employees.